You’ve enjoyed decades of fun as Mystery Science Theater 3000 took on the worst of the worst movies in the known universe. In September, the crew of the Satellite of Love takes on comics.
Created for comics by series creator Joel Hodgson, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Comic finds Jonah Heston, Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, and Gypsy thrust into the 2-D world of public domain comics, with riffing as their only defense! But trust us, these comics have it coming.
I’m happy to see Joel Hodgson involved in the series, but it is too bad it looks like the current crew will take center stage in this book, as I know a lot of us would like to see Joel (… or Mike) have some fun inside the pages of the comic.
Still, any MST3K is better than no MST3K, so we’ll have to check this comic book out when it arrives on September 8, 2018.