In 1992, Superman died at the hands of Doomsday, and the comic book industry was never the same. Until he came back. And then the industry would never be the same. But in 1992-1993 the Death and Return of Superman was an event that shook the industry.
Now, with Action Comics #1000 hitting stores this week, we need to look back and ask the all-important question, “Were you there when he died?”
Sorry, this was before internet and our comics were year to two behind of American releases.
I bought a copy, but there was a complication…
(Tune in to next week’s MSP to find out more!)
I went to an event party for the release at one of the big comic shops in the area and I won second place in the big raffle and got the entire set (including tie-ins) of the Death of Superman related issues, an 18 month sub to each of the associated Superman titles published at that time and some assorted Superman collectibles (t-shirts, hat, keychains, etc.).
I was 5 at the time so I didn’t line up. I didn’t start reading American comics till I was 15. My sister did have the trade of his death a few years later.
I was still not a year old when Superman died, so no I did not. Sorry for making everyone who was able to stand in line for a copy feel a bit old.
No and yes.
I didn’t have any care to buy the issue, but my boss at the time knew that I bought comics & wanted me to pick up a copy for him, so I did.
But since I didn’t buy a copy for myself, I voted “no.”
No, I was 13 years old at the time and comics were not something I read, they were for kids… OH how wrong was I
Well I wasn’t even 1 at the time, so no.
I didn’t think I was allowed to buy DC comics at the time since I read Marvel. Never trust your older brothers.
I was not reading Superman at the time, but my best friend at the time did, and was eagerly awaiting his return.
I was like 3 at the time, so no.
Yes. I was 21 and I stood in line at a store (not my usual store, because I was visiting a friend).
oh yeah. i went with my dad (i would’ve been 10) to my former local store, we bought the trade and a 2nd printing of #75. we saw the first print in the bloody-S bag, but it was too rich for our blood. i still have the trade and #75 in the bag, but i doubt i’d make my money back if i sold them now.
The first I remember hearing about the Death of Superman was the SNES beat-em-up adaptation, so a no for me.