This week, The Boys at the Major Spoilers HQ really wanted candy. Now, I’m not a big fan of kids having too much candy, but a little bit every once in a while is okay. At the store The Sidekick (age 6) picked up a pack of Twizzlers, and it sent me rocketing back to my childhood, where occasionally, we had a very different licorice to eat.
Which bring us to this week’s Poll of the Week.
Delicious “strawberry” flavored treat or stomachache inducing “red” flavored mess? No question.
I voted Twizzlers but only the strawberry ones. Those cherry flavored ones taste like cough medicine.
I have never had any of these.
I have no idea what these are. Only thing I know is that Finnish licorice is usually terror to any foreigner, so I imagine these are nothing like it.
As an American who visited Finland this spring, Helsinki is lovely by the way so friendly, I can confirm there is no comparison. I couldn’t stomach the salmiakki at all. I tried!
Twizzlers taste a bit like Aakkoset, but not too close.
Hehe, I can imagine. I’d say that its one of those “acquired tastes”.
Of those two, Twizzlers, but only because I have never had Red Vines. They are not carried anywhere in my immediate area, I’ve looked and made several calls trying to find some for a friend who says they were her favorite and available everywhere where she used to live.
But my actual favorite red licorice is a local one sold at the candy shop in town. Can’t think of the name offhand, but it is made and distributed locally, only available in this area and mostly stocked in small businesses. It doesn’t have that weird artificial taste Twizzlers has.
Twizzlers because Twizzlers come in the style where you can pull them apart. Those are my favorite especially when they come in multi flavors
Red vines all day has no one seen fringe aka Walter bishop? Go to a Walgreens everywhere. Wait is Walgreens not In Kansas, Seattle or LA?
I have walgreens, but don’t eat licorice.
We have Walgreens here but they don’t carry Red Vines in my area. I’ve been to about 10 looking for it for a friend, none have ever carried it.
Red licorice is an abomination an insult to real candy, it’s black or nothing!!!!!!!
Gross. :P
Red Vines are better, though I might be more tempted by the Pull-n-Peel Twizzlers, just because much like string cheese I like the activity of pulling it apart.
Now realistically neither of those can remotely hold a candle to Grape Vines, those are the clear winners by a mile. So delicious!