Quantum and Woody are back in an all new volume from Valiant Entertainment. The series, written by Daniel Kibblesmith and artist Kano arrives in December, but we have your first look today.
Art by KANO
Cover B (Extreme Ultra-Foil) by GEOFF SHAW
Pre-Order Edition by NICK PITARRA
Extreme Ultra-Foil Chase Variant by GEOFF SHAW
Q&W Icon Variant by NEAL ADAMS
The Most Variant Cover of All Time! by TOP SECRET
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+
Sometimes…you embrace your destiny. And sometimes…you and your trouble-making adopted brother find yourselves trapped in a scientific lab explosion that grants you $@&%ing awesome super-powers. As a result of their accident, Eric and Woody Henderson – aka Quantum and Woody – must “klang” their wristbands together every 24 hours or both dissipate into nothingness. Which makes superhero-ing pretty awkward when you’re not on speaking terms at the moment. See, Eric has been keeping a pretty big secret: He knows who Woody’s birth father really is…and where he’s been hiding all these years.
In addition to the issue, Valiant is releasing an Extreme Ultra-Foil Variant.
“When we say that we’re utilizing actual comics foil from the 1990s, we mean actual comics foil from the 1990s,” said Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani. “In anticipation of Quantum and Woody’s return, we scoured the earth in the search of the rarest, most obscure, most arcane comics printing practices ever produced – only to find a true ‘holy grail of holofoil’ in the wilds of Canada that had gone virtually untouched for the better part of two decades. Over the next year, we’re going to be digging deep into those lost archives and combining numerous elements – some new, some old, some reclaimed from the some of the most prominent covers of the 90s – to create what we think are some of the most dynamic, eye-catching, and artistic uses of cover enhancements in the modern era.
“This line is partially a tribute, partially an art project, and partially an excuse to outdo the competition with what we believe will be some of the most coveted and sought-after covers of the year – all in celebration of the energizing, heartwarming, and hilarious story being crafted by Daniel Kibblesmith and Kano.”
Quantum and Woody #1 is scheduled to arrive on December 20, 2017.