The Silver Surfer and his unexpected companion, Dawn Greenwood, have been through a lot in their meandering tour of the universe, but it seems that the end is near. Your Major Spoilers review of Silver Surfer #13 awaits!
Storytellers: Dan Slott & Michael Allred
Colorist: Laura Allred
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Silver Surfer: “Dawn and Norrin have been through much together, including protecting a planet from Galactus only to later help the former world-eater save the universe — but their darkest trial yet was facing the sudden, unexpected death of Dawn’s father. The Surfer helped Dawn deal with her grief, and not their relationship is stronger than ever… but a mysterious figure is shadowing them, hinting that soon, it will all come to an end.
We open with The Queen Of Nevers confronting Nor-Vill (a character who has previously popped up in these stories) about why he has been stalking Dawn and The Surfer across the galaxy. When Dawn finally asks The Surfer for the impossible (traveling back in time to see her deceased dad), he agrees, and Nor-Vill insists that he should have stopped them.
He’s right, as things quickly accelerate out of control, as the cosmic couple careens back in time towards The Big Bang itself, encountering their previous selves (wrapping up another loose end from earlier in the series) as they go before crashing into the previous universe. That’s when Norrin reveals the sad truth: There’s no way back to their own universe, unless they want to hitch a ride with Galen/Galactus when he gestates, which might mean they, too, become world-eaters in the next universe.
This issue is beautiful on all fronts, as Mike and Laura once again create beautiful art throughout the issue, showing us what happened in the final years of the universe in which Dawn and Norrin are trapped, while Slott’s script makes several reveals that have been forever in the making, while hinting at another big one that I hope comes true. The emotion in this story is rare in comic books, as not every creator has the ability to fit in the quiet, loving moments around the BANG! POW! ZAP!, making the wonderful progression of our lead couple in this issue even more remarkable. As the issue ends the only way it could (another example of committing to the premise that you don’t always see in escapist stories like these), and the Silver Surfer prepares to make a monumental decision, it’s the perfect cliffhanger for next issue’s wrap-up.
I’ve long been a fan of the idea of The Silver Surfer, but this series has given me a new appreciation of what Norrin Radd could have always been, giving new life to a decades-old hero. Silver Surfer #13 makes me sad that the end is near, but makes the journey worth the heartbreak that comes with it, giving us an object lesson about life itself, earning 5 out of 5 stars overall. This book really is that good, month after month, and while I’ll miss it, I’m excited to see what the creative team has in store for their big finale.
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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This has consistently been one of the best books Marvel has put out in recent years. I too shall miss it
One of the best comic series I’ve ever read. It was fun, exciting, humorous, awe-inspiring, and so emotional. This one will stick with me.