Greatest Adventure #2
writer: Bill Willingham
artist: Cezar Razek
covers: Cary Nord (a),
Patrick Zircher (b), Roberto Castro (c)
incentive cover: Cary Nord (B/W art),
Patrick Zircher (B/W art), Cary Nord (B/W art)
Order the cover of your choice.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Tarzan, John Carter, and the rest of the crew of the Venture set sail in hot pursuit of the rare gemstone known as the Eye of Judgment – locked in a deadly race to the end with the alien battleship Resolve! They must retrieve the gem before their opponents do – or else must contend with a death ray of nightmarish proportions – one that is able to reach out across entire galaxies and snuff out life!