This week’s Poll of the Week is sure to spark a lot of conversation among comic book fans. What is the best Comic Age? Yes, there are pros and cons of each (and that is why there is a comment section), but which one is the one that you think is the best time period of them all?
Note: For the purposes of this discussion, only five ages of comics will be used; the Golden Age (1938-1956), the Silver Age (1956-1970), the Bronze Age (1970-1985), the Iron/Dark age (1985-2004) and the Modern age (2004-today). Yes, there are those that claim the Steel Age, the Diamond Age, Adamantium Age, the Image Age, etc. but we’re sticking with the five as outlined by most comic historians. Also, we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
There are good things in every age, but all in all, comics have never been as good and diverse as they are now. I still prefer some things from my childhood and youth over most things going on right now, but I realize its just me and my nostalgia.
This was a tough one for me, I have a special love for the bronze and iron ages of my youth, but I think the modern age is the best overall.
Late Dark Age… say 1999 it’s the year that got a 19 year old me reading comics
The correct answer is the Modern Age. When we get another shift in tone and the Modern Age gets renamed to being some other age, the answer will still be the Modern Age, regardless of what the new direction is. Why? Because I hear this argument all the time in gaming as well – what’s the best generation. And it’s always going to be the most recent one for the sole and pure reason that /the old ages didn’t exactly go anywhere/. They’re still right there, sitting there, waiting on ya. A new age doesn’t just magically poof old ages out of existence. The more time marches on, the greater the selection becomes, and the modern age will always have the greatest selection of all – absolutely everything.
The correct answer is that there is no “correct” answer. *mimes explosion with hands* I just blew your mind……..or I probably didn’t, but it is a totally subjective question.
I have a special place in my heart for the old comic books of my father’s I found in grandma’s basement in the late 1980’s. The old issues of Richie Rich and Jonah Hex and the Flash were these wonderful old stories from a different time and I could get as much from the advertisements as I could from the panels. I loved imagining that older simpler time. The storytelling has gotten much better over the years, but nothing can replace those old comics for me.