Dell Comics was in business for over 40 years, and if they knew anything, it was the power of licensed properties, having handled the comic book adventures of the Looney Tunes, Disney’s cartoon characters and a long line of movie comic adaptations for decades. In the wake of the ‘Batman’ craze circa 1966, Dell took properties that they had the rights to (Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the Werewolf whose creator escapes me) and turned them into the superheroes that the audience craved. The resulting books number less than a dozen issues, but make for some of the most outre and entertaining lunacy of the time period. (I’ve done Hero Histories of Dracula and Frankenstein, if you don’t believe me.)
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What, no “Sands of Blood”!? I have ruined many people’s weekends (as in, they couldn’t put the book down and got nothing accomplished) by giving them a copy of “The Cowboy Wally Show.”