Some days, parenting is a real minefield. Like this morning, when I asked the child what might be a good question of the day and she said “What kind of buttery noodle would you be if you were a buttery noodle?” She’s not as hungry now, having had breakfast, but her other options are equally as ludicrous (“Who would win in a fight? Spongebob or a bird who speaks French?”) with one exception, which has become today’s irretrievable query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) isn’t asking for nefarious purposes, but is instead genuinely curious, asking: Spoilerites Roll Call! Where are you right now?
Right behind you!
I’m on faraway worlds taking down evil monsters and hanging out with aliens and elves of questionable moral character.
Translation: I’m sitting at my computer in my room playing video games and watching Doctor Who. Not too exciting, but there are a lot of Halloween quests in my online games right now and I want to get as much of the stuff for my favorite holiday as I can. Plus… Not much else I can do when I’m sick.
Making the most of a rare day off to catch up on Luke Cage. More generally, at home in the UK
Traveling through hurricane-smooshed south Georgia for my son’s soccer games.
In my armchair, location: Bat Cave, Finland.
Residing in my new mancave surrounded by packed boxes of electronics,video games and comics in Campbellford Ontario Caanda
In the Auckand airport, waiting to board a flight home from a tour of Middle Earth.