Action Lab: Danger Zone sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Oblivion #3 from Tim Seeley and Romina Moranelli.
Writer(s): Tim Seeley
Artist Name(s): Romina Moranelli (pencils/inks) , Marcelo Costa (colors)
Cover Artist(s): Standard Cover A: Romina Moranelli (pencils/inks) , Marcelo Costa (colors)
Cover B: Romina Moranelli Sketch (pencils/inks)
Cover C: Mike Norton (pencils/inks), Marcelo Costa (colors)
Cover D: Photo Cover
Cover E: Mangum Cover (pencils/inks), Marcelo Costa (colors)
Marshall Stone and his crew must save their past archenemy’s daughter from the clutches of a crazed bounty hunters obsessed with an apocalyptic version of their future!
32 pgs./ T+ / FC $3.99 (reg.), $4.99 (var.)