The DC All Access panel was held earlier today at the San Diego Comic Con, and session host, Jason Inman, talked Rebirth, Cyborg, Batgirl, and more with the panelists. Here is our summary of what was discussed.
Cyborg writer John Semper Jr. said he plans to bring a bit more humor into the series as it moves forward, but if you were hoping for any story related reveals, you’re out of luck there.
If you love Harley Quinn, Amanda Conner said the character will continue to do her “crazy insane stuff,” but more friends and enemies from the DC Universe will pop in and out of the series.
Bernard Chang said he has just started working on the series, but really likes working with Dan Jurgens. According to CBR, Chang said, “Working with Dan [Jurgens] is like working with another artist. We speak the same language… He’s very loose in some of his description, and that lets me some room in terms of pacing and creativity.”
As we learned earlier this year during the Rebirth announcement, Batgirl is headed to Asia, but there are no changes to her costume, or the character, said Hope Larson. So how does that work with the new Batgirl and The Birds of Prey series? The Birds of Prey series takes place after the Batgirl story. In other words THEY DO NOT TAKE PLACE AT THE SAME TIME! When it comes to F’Continuity, this is certainly something that will go under the microscope. Knowing that Batgirl and the Birds of Prey takes place after Batgirl lessen the tension knowing the heroine will survive? Does it even matter because it is comics?
What is in store for Supergirl? How about Lar-On the Kryptonian werewolf we haven’t seen since 1978.
According to the DC Wikia, “Once transformed, he became overcome by the beast that he had changed into and lost all his humanity in the process with an animalistic cunning. As a werecreature, he became an infinitely powerful beast even on Krypton. As the creature, he struck blindly leading to him killing his wife whereupon the beast fled the scene.”
How that will play into the Supergirl series will be an interesting one to watch, especially since Steve Orlando wants to depict a Supergirl who has a lot more compassion when it comes to being a superhero. It will also be interesting to see how she reacts to the revelation that Cyborg Superman is SPOILERS SPOILERS Zor-El, Kara’s father! SPOILERS SPOILERS!
Other than a smattering of audience questions, that were the highlights of the panel.
via Various