If you love D&D but have trouble finding a local group, you have probably tried Roll20 more than a few times. Today, during its Twitch broadcast, the company announced it is teaming to bring Adventurers League to the online system to show you how to make your online gaming even better.
Adventurers League is an ongoing official organized play campaign for Dungeons & Dragons, using 5E and set in the Forgotten Realms. Adventurers League is providing their gorgeous art and maps as well as the actual adventure. Roll20’s show will play through an entire season of content, which includes about 60 hours worth of story. The new campaign will begin on July 7 and will use the Tyranny of Dragons storyline.
Watch live video from roll20app on www.twitch.tv
If you are a Game Master, this is definitely something to check out to get some creative tips to make your next Roll20 session even better!