Storm Entertainment (previously Bluewater Productions), continues its run of bio comics, this time with a tribute to the late Prince.
Tribute: Prince is written by Michael L. Frizell with art by Ernesto Lovera and Vincenzo Sansone.
“I first became aware of Prince’s music when I was in high school thanks to ‘1999,’ ‘Little Red Corvette,’ and others. I remember listening to his stuff almost religiously when the soundtrack to ‘Purple Rain’ hit. His sound and lyrics defined the era for me in ways that Michael Jackson didn’t and, quite frankly, couldn’t. The subjects of his songs spoke to me in ways I didn’t understand until I was older, but the dark poetry of them compelled me to keep listening. To this day, my iPod is full of his work, and I listen to it as I write.” said writer Michael Frizell.
Tribute: Prince is available this week for $3.99 at Comic Flea Market ( or on ComiXology.