When Civil War II rolls our way in June, everyone will have to pick a side include the Inhumans and mutants of the Marvel Universe. Their conflict will become a bigger issue in Civil War II: X-Men #1 by Cullen Bunn and Andrea Broccardo.
Terrigen Mists encircle the globe, igniting the Inhuman race while simultaneously crippling mutantkind. As conflict between the two nations simmers below the surface, a new Inhuman with the ability to profile the future has emerged. As heroes of the Marvel Universe battle over whether to use this Inhuman’s ability or not – one mutant will take matters into his own hands. Fearing this untapped power may tip the scales in the Inhumans’ favor – Magneto is willing to wage war with the Inhumans and even his own kind to prevent that from coming to pass!
Magneto wants to fight with everyone, doesn’t he?
“I certainly hope this story divides the fans in terms of who is ‘right’,” says writer Cullen Bunn in an upcoming interview with Marvel.com. “One of the things I’m excited about with Civil War II is that there are so many questions, debates, and positions that are going to rise from it. In Civil War II: X-Men we’ll focus on the mutants and the specific positions they are taking.”
Civil War II: X-Men #1 arrives in June.