Chinbeard, aka Bill Doran, has a new video that walks you through the process he went through to make his latest prop weapon – Rey’s blaster from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. While he won’t be selling this replica, he does offer up plans so you can make your own.
Since he was able to quit his day job, Bill has blossomed as a prop and costume maker, and this new video shows the attention to detail and mastery of the craft he has grown into over the last several years.
How to Make Rey’s Star Wars Blaster – Prop: Shop Tutorial
Follow along as Bill shows you how to 3D print, mold, cast and finish a super legit version of Rey’s blaster from Star Wars: The Force Awakens!Free Blueprint…
If you want to get your hands on the plans, you can find them here! I’ll be 3D printing my own blaster like this very soon!