Old Man Logan’s mission of revenge continues as he takes on The Hulk. Can he bring down the big guy, and will he figure out that it isn’t Bruce Banner? Find out in your Major Spoilers review of Old Man Logan #2!
Old Man Logan #2
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Andrea Sorrentino
Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Daniel Ketchum
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Old Man Logan: Finding himself in a time before the villain uprising, Logan takes it upon himself to stop it from eve happening. After indulging in some personal revenge, he goes after his next target: Bruce Banner AKA The Hulk.
Without a way to find Bruce Banner, Logan lucks out by hearing that The Hulk is in town. He strikes, and a brawl between Wolverine and Amadeus Cho begins. Logan slowly starts to realize that, even though he’s big and green, he isn’t Bruce Banner. Before he can take Cho up on his offer for help, Logan takes off to seek aid from an old friend. This issue takes its time to provide context for new readers on why Logan hates Banner, and the Hulks of the possible future. People familiar with the story already might find the flashback a bit tedious, but I cannot fault them, and even give them credit, for taking the time to make the material accessible to newer readers. Since Logan is searching for familiar faces or those who wronged him in the 2008 storyline, it is likely that flashbaks will be a common occurrence, which really is a smart move.
When this issue gets in to the action, it really takes off. The fight is well choreographed and easy to follow, and really shows an understanding between writer and artist. Throughout the battle, we get inside of Logan’s head, which strengthens the depth of the character and also shows us that this is a seasoned veteran. He knows how to take on The Hulk, even if taking on such a person is ill advised. There have been many fights between these two characters, in many different forms, and this struggle is just as memorable. Logan is not holding back, doing his best to kill his target, and Cho is willing and able to throw his weight around. I don’t know the character of Amadeus Cho well enough to comment on Lemire’s take on him, but from what I am told, everything fits in line. I hadn’t thought about Logan going off to meet Hawkeye, but it really does make sense. How will Barton react to the news about his future self? He’ll probably continue on his self-destructive path anyway, because that’s what Clint Barton does.
Logan’s confusion about this Hulk not being Banner does cause me to pause as everything so far has pointed to this being the world Logan knows. Would he not be aware that someone else was The Hulk for a time? Unless this all takes place during the time the usual Logan is dead and will be wrapped up before his resurrection. Oh boy, that’s a rabbit hole I am not looking to go down. Also, did Cho hint that he knows where Banner is? So many questions!
While I still think Sorrentino and Maiolo’s aesthetic would not work for most Marvel books, they continue to shine in this one. The action is fast and the punches land hard. These two characters aren’t holding back, and you can really feel it in the art. Sorrentino’s highlighting panels works so well in a book like this, especially when Logan goes flying through a building and we get to see the points of impact from a distance. There is some really creative panel layout in this book, especially early on and then in the last couple of pages where they take the shape of animals. Used too much, and it would feel gimmicky, but the couple of instances here just added some creative fun in a book full of blood and revenge. Maiolo’s usual palette of greens and reds continues to work for this issue, but some variety would be very welcome in the future. Purples creep their way in in the end, and will likely play a role in the next issue with a character like Hawkeye entering the scene. Since most of the people Logan is hunting happen to use green and red heavily in their motif, Maiolo will be able to play to his strengths.
The first issue was very good, and this one keeps it up, if not raising the bar just a bit. The action is satisfying, and the kind of stuff you want to see in a superhero book. The story continues on the well laid path, but there are some surprises that look to take this book deeper in to the Marvel universe. I appreciate how focused the team is being with this story. I’m not sure how much staying power this character has in this world, but they are making the most out of the time they have. This story doesn’t feel like a throwaway, and I am interested to see the fallout of the actions of Logan in the greater Marvel Universe.
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