In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: Interestingly, there is a lot to talk about when you spend six months on a boat.
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Papa Sleestack submitted this:
Just a picture of Orems swords as I envisioned them. If people wish to see more detailed photos of them or await future projects i can be found at @daerneb on tumblr
Great job on those swords! They look amazing!
Man, what a good exposition episode. So many answers (omg, poor Smith…)
I really hope they get to answer more questions because I have sooooo many. XD
YES! Tuberville was finally addressed!
NO! Tuberville hasn’t been resolved!
YES! That means that potentially it can be!
NO! Those poor people have been oppressed for so long now. they’ve probably already been killed and replaced.
I love all of the questions and answers about the characters and the world that they live in. Hearing the updates on the Astral Sea, Feywild, and Smith’s family were so satisfying. My only small complaint was that no one talked about Torq or Trelle. I’m hoping there’s a chance we haven’t seen the last of those two characters, even if they only make a guest appearance at some point.
Finally, the Obsidian Huntress sounds terrifying! I wonder how her transformation effects the Treaty of Worms?
Thanks for the episode!
So I found your podcast on Spotify’s new show features. In about a week I have managed to get to episode 18. This show is amazing! It is going to take me forever to catch up though.
Great episode. I loved the character development and I jump at the chance to hear anything more about the kobold alley.
This was a real fun episode. I enjoy hearing about the little details of the character’s backstory and appreciate all the world building Rodrigo does on the back end with his players. It really makes the campaign’s setting come alive. Keep up the good work.
I thought my questions would finally be answered, but no, no I only have more. I feel so bad for Smith, even after all these years, and I’m honestly almost starting to feel bad for Ket for all of the shade that gets thrown at him…. Almost. Love the show as always!
I know, right? There’s something in this episode that about killed me:
Orem: You abandoned me in the Feywild and it felt awful, and you’re bad people.
Ket: We didn’t abandon you. We were forced out by your father.
Orem: But you abandoned me in the Feywild and it felt awful, and you’re bad people.
Ket: We were bodily removed against our will and we had no choice, and maybe you should have this conversation with your father?
Orem: Yeah, so, you abandoned me in the Feywild, and it felt awful, and you’re bad people.
Ket: *apologizes for something that wasn’t his fault because he feels bad*
Orem: *completely ignores it and just keeps on talking*
Whatta jerk! I love that they’re actually confronting the issue, but as always, Orem could use a good shaking. Poor Ket.
Ha, going back and listening to this episode many months later, after listening to the rest of the series and getting a better handle on the character, I now realize it was Randus who apologized, which makes sense. It’s hard to remember the days when I had trouble telling everyone’s voices apart.
Loved this episode!
Seems like the theme for this season is something like resources and power. Just my guess.
Didn’t Guy die from being pulled through Ket’s soul by Spud? I remember it being explained kinda like that, and not that Wugin killed him.
Doesn’t matter really, just curious.
I think you’re right. I thought it was explained like their souls were like socks being turned inside out and that made Guy “pop” when they were ejected into the natural world.
Loved this episode. . . . I miss Trell
Amazing episode! Were did those question come from? Rodrigo’s head or Twitter?
Anyway, I loved the exposition and character bits, expecially learning finally what the heck is Cobold Alley. Smith’s backstory… so tragic.
I’m pretty sure we mentioned in the show. Each player sent five questions to Rodrigo that we wanted to ask another character, and he worked it into the discussion.
For a moment I though it was a Mail episode disguised as a normal cast.
Wait, when did the sword want Orem to kill Ket? I don’t remember this. I also remember it being said at one point that the sword talked to Ket, but I never could find that either.
The sword wanted Orem to kill his friends and kept asking him to do it. I think at one point Ket held the sword to examine it, botched his arcana roll, and the sword was briefly talking through his mouth. I want to say that was around the “save Randus’s family” part.
Adorable, amazing, wonderful, short animation by flailingwings
about the moment Orem thought about killing Ket.
It’s like an in-character mailbag!
Exactly what I thought! And even when I realized that it wasn’t, I still thought: “An in-character mail bag episode would be fantastic!” Solicit listener questions for the *characters* and have them answer them the very next time they’re on a boat.
I’m listening to the entire run of the show again (while keeping up with new episodes) and with each of the next couple of episodes I’ll be screaming at my iPod now for the PCs to remember to ask QRD about the void gods before she pops away again. I just got to the point in #335 where Randus wished he had asked QRD about how the void gods fit into the 12-planes that “Oversight” monitors. And because of the recording/release schedule, I know that QRD is probably long gone again and I bet nobody remembered to ask her while they were poking around the Coil’s stomping grounds.
I’m also fairly certain (and quite probably wrong) that when the characters hit their 21-30 tier–“Epic” tier in 4e IIRC–that they will go to work for Oversight as well and be directly sent on missions by QRD or her superiors to handle things that only those outside the normal boundaries of space and time and vertex could hope to oppose. I’m also looking forward to what kind of threat Rodrigo can conjure that would threaten the entire matrix of vertices that Oversight monitors for the final season of the show. I mean if they were having to defend the gods on the Astral Sea in Season 3, then they have to be defending the entirety of the cosmos in the final season, don’t they?