The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Ramon K. Perez
Publisher: Marvel Entertainment
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Hawkeye and Hawkeye take aim at another season. But it’s not all straight as an arrow for Clint and Kate. A deep-seated rift that stretches across time, brings old man Clint and a wiser Kate back together as they chase down mistakes from their past. The star-studded team of Jeff Lemire and Ramon Perez return, bringing you another inspired look at the world of Hawkeye.
Rated T+
WAYNE: Wait a minute! Where did the “All-Different” in the title go? As hard as it is to believe, I’ll be buying this yet-another number one issue featuring Marvel’s archer team! Good writing and art will do that to me!
Writer: Kurt Busiek
Artist: Ben Dewey
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
SOLICITATION: The second arc begins. Wounded and lost, our heroes seek safety, but find…something bizarre.
GEORGE: Been missing Autumnlands, glad to have it back. Great fantasy from Busiek and Dewey, and I missed that owl-headed blowhard.
Writer: Bob Gale, John Barber, Erik Burnham
Artist: Marcelo Ferriera, Chris Madden
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: GREAT SCOTT! The past present and future come crashing together as only BACK TO THE FUTURE can do it! Secrets between the McFly family and Doc Brown are revealed… and what happens to the inventions that don’t quite work as planned? All thanks to the guiding hand of BTTF co-creator Bob Gale and co.!
ROB: The first issue was fun and gave me just enough nostalgia that I want to see more. Hopefully it was more than just being on BttF Day that let the first be a good read.
STEPHEN: Do you really need to ask if I’m buying this issue, and if I think you should, too? Grab this book, it is so much fun!
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artists: Greg Capullo, Danny Miki
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: At last, Batman comes face to face with Gotham City’s deadly new villain, Mr. Bloom. With the fate of the city hanging in the balance, Batman reaches out to the one man who might be able to help him: Bruce Wayne!
WAYNE: Even with someone else wearing the mantle of Batman, Mr. Snyder and Mr. Capullo keep making this comic one of the best released every month!
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: R. M. Guera
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Writer JASON AARON & artist R.M. GUÉRA, the creators of the seminal crime series SCALPED, reunite for a new ongoing series of stark and brutal biblical noir, which begins with a SPECIAL OVER-SIZED DEBUT ISSUE featuring thirty pages of story.
“And the earth was filled with violence.”
Genesis 6:11
Its 1655 years after Eden, and life on Earth has already gone to hell. The world of man is a place of wanton cruelty and wickedness. Prehistoric monsters and stone-age marauders roam the land. Murder and destruction are the rule of the day. Humankind is a failed experiment. This is life before the Flood. The story of man on the verge of his first apocalypse. Welcome to the world of THE GODDAMNED.
GEORGE: Scalped was great and this concept sounds nuts. I always worry that when writers like Jason Aaron start working on so many titles that their quality will suffer, but he’s been a winner so far. Let’s hope The Goddamned keeps up the streak.
Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
ROB: Yeah, at this point I need to finish this story out. It’s still been a good read, even with the delays. Besides, I have a need to know what happens to split up the FF.
Writer: Max Landis
Artist: Nick Dragotta
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Hollywood screenwriter and Eisner Award nominee Max Landis (Chronicle, American Ultra, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN) joins forces with top comics artists including Jock, Francis Manapul and Jae Lee to bring you SUPERMAN: AMERICAN ALIEN, a 7-issue miniseries chronicling the life of Clark Kent and his development into the archetypal hero he will eventually become. But these are not the stories of the iconic “Superman” as you know him, but of the soft-spoken, charming, often-funny Kansas farm-boy behind the Man of Steel. With the tone of each issue ranging from heartwarming and simple, to frighteningly gritty and violent, to sexy, sun-kissed and funny, SUPERMAN: AMERICAN ALIEN is unlike anything you’ve seen before. In this first issue, superstar artist Nick Dragotta (East of West, Fantastic Four) illustrates the story of Jonathan and Martha Kent as they struggle to deal with their 12-year-old son’s latest quirk-he’s been floating up into the air, sometimes hundreds of feet!
STEPHEN: After all the Max Landis Superman talk these last several years, it’s time to see if he can put his money where his mouth is.
WAYNE: I’m really intrigued by this new miniseries because Superman needs some loving, and I like the focus this title is taking. Talking more about the “man” than the “super” has always made the character shine, so I can’t wait to see this!
Writer: Derf Backderf
Artist: Derf Backderf
Publisher: Abrams Comicarts
Cover Price: $19.85
SOLICITATION: Every week we pile our garbage on the curb and it disappears – like magic! The reality is anything but, of course. Derf Backderf’s Trashed is an ode to the crap job of all crap jobs – garbage collector. Trashed follows the raucous escapades of three 20-something friends as they clean the streets of pile after pile of stinking garbage, while battling annoying small-town bureaucrats, bizarre townfolk, sweltering summer heat, and frigid winter storms. Trashed is inspired by Derf’s own experiences as a garbage interspersed are nonfiction pages that detail what our garbage is and where it goes.
GEORGE: Derf is one of the all-time comix greats. Bits of Trashed have appeared as a webcomic on his official site for years, but I think this edition has a lot of new material. Either way, you’re gonna get some good perspective on garbagemen and that’s what comics are all about.
Writer: Mike Costa
Artist: David Baldeon
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: All of your favorite web-slinging wonders from SPIDER-VERSE, together in one place! It’s high-stakes action when ELECTRO threatens all of reality! From their base on Earth-001, it’s up to SPIDER-GWEN, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, SPIDER-MAN INDIA, SPIDER-UK, SPIDER-HAM and a TON of other surprise spider-guest stars to stop him!
ROB: Woo, all the Spiders! Spider-Verse was one of my favorite Spidey stories and a continuation of those characters is just what I want to see. So many of these guys have vast amounts of potential and I’m hoping Costa can pull this off.
ROBOT OVERLORD: What’s on your list this week?
I snagged issues 218 and the new issue 219 for G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. I’m really excited to jump into this series as someone who isn’t very versed in the G.I. Joe world I was glad to hear this would be a good jumping on point.
Of course I picked up some of the All New All Different Marvel books: All New All Different Avengers, All New Hawkeye, All New Wolverine, Illuminati, and Ultimates.
Really excited for 2 Vertigo titles as well this week with the return of Twilight Children and Slash & Burn #1.
Hmm, not yet decided what to read from this week. Guess I´ll go at least with couple of number #1´s.