There are a lot of opinions about the abilities of ‘Doctor Who’ show runner Steven Moffat. For my money, though his payoffs aren’t always up to snuff, the setups are utterly legendary, and he is responsible for the creation of some of the most terrifying alien races in Who canon since the Cybermen started overtly carving out human brains to serve as their central processors. The Silence are implacable, undetectable stalking monsters, the new take on the Zygons makes them reminiscent of ‘Invasion Of The Body Snatchers’ and the Weeping Angels are so creepy that even the ridiculous ‘Angel Of Liberty’ plot point doesn’t fully disperse their menace, leading us to today’s space-borne query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) thinks that the most unexpectedly nightmarish ability would be that of the Legion’s 30th Century Bismollians, who can consume ANY matter, up to and including biting through solid steel, asking: What fictional extraterrestrial (or extraterrestrial race) is the most terrifying alien to you?
Bad poetry AND bureaucratic thinking? Terrifying!
The xenomorph.
Acid blood. Toothy, angry mouth inside of a toothy, angry mouth. It impregnates your face and births through your chest.
That is is some horrifying stuff.
They are slimy too.
Ewoks (autocorrect kept trying to change it to Rails, which makes me assume that even autocorrect is afraid of them). They aren’t scary in a traditional sense, but they really do creep me out.
And any spider alien, such as the race of General Trench from “Star Wars The Clone Wars” or the Racnoss of “Doctor Who”. I can handle watching some of the most disturbing horror films, but spiders terrify me beyond any logical reasoning. Alien spiders, even cute cartoon alien spiders, are no different.
DC’s Martians. Shapeshifters creep me right out. They’re tricksy as it is, but give them psychic powers AND most of Superman’s power set… That’s enough to make me set my grandmother on fire just to be sure.