Sure, Lady Shiva is an unstoppable hand-to-hand juggernaut. Iron Fist has mastered dozens of disciplines and techniques. But can either of them perform the fabled ‘Dim Mak’ death touch, and decide how many steps their opponent can take before s/he falls over dead? No. No, they can not. Though Count Dante was, reputedly, the creation of a creative marketing genius (seriously, look it up, it’s fascinating to read about), his skills as a fighter/hairdresser were touted by the finest pulp magazines of the age, which leads us, in a roundabout way, to today’s Five-Point Palm Exploding Death query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) will always vote for Shang-Chi, even when it doesn’t make sense, but will open the question to any and ALL fictional martial artists, asking: What fictional character has the best kung-fu in all the various worlds?
Bruce Lee, which is awesome because he was real.
Kwai Chang Caine and Shang-Chi.
Neo; he knows kung fu.
Korra because she can bend the elements with her Kung-fu.