The second installment of Grayson: Earth One has finally arrived. The fan film take a look at the world of Earth One and features a young kid named Jason Todd…
This jaw-dropping second chapter resumes moments after the events of episode 1. It’s follows a 17 year old car thief named Jason Todd, whom in another life, become the second Robin. Instead, Jason is left to navigate America’s most dangerous city in search for purpose, safety and a family to call his own. Unfortunately… He finds one.
Grayson: Earth One Ep.1.5 “The Boy and The Bullet” (Red Hood Fan Film)
This is a non profit double episode made purely for exhibition.This jaw-dropping second chapter resumes moments after the events of episode 1. It’s follows a…
I really like the production value in this fan film, you can see the passion of the fans in this one. If you want to see the first episode, you can check it out on YouTube.
Be sure to check out Zach on Film this week, as we sit down to discuss the nature of fan films and their role in society.