Dynamite Entertainment sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell #2.
Nathan Edmondson (w)
Marc Laming (a/c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Terry Dodson B&W retailer incentive cover
Hot off of the best-selling The Punisher and Black Widow comics from Marvel, Nathan Edmondson brings you another issue of the thrilling series, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Echoes. The trail of terror leads to a cruise liner off the coast of Barcelona, but nothing makes sense to Sam and Paladin, who must take another step into the darkness around the mysterious and deadly group. But first, Sam will have to seek the help of a powerful friend—one of the only friends he still has. What started as a simple favor is quickly turning into a global battle for the operative who thought he was out of the game!