The hundredth issue of Grimm Fairy Tales arrives in stores in July from Zenescope Entertainment, and co-founder of Zenescope took a moment to reflect on the milestone issue.
“It’s hard for me to believe we are getting ready to publish our 100th issue of Grimm Fairy Tales. It seems like not that long ago we publishing issue #1 and then trying to figure out how we were going to find enough fairy tales to make it to issue #25. It’s been a blast writing and planning the series and seeing how it has evolved over the last eight years. As excited as I am to be publishing issue #100, I’m even more excited for the direction the series is going to take in #101. It’s going to be a great jumping on point for new readers and I think current fans are going to love it even more. The best way to describe I can describe it is Harry Potter meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
– Joe Brusha, Zenescope co-founder and co-writer of GFT #100
via Zenescope Entertainment