As a former purveyor of small-market TV commercials, I occasionally find myself more entertained by the ads than by the programming itself (especially during ‘shows like ‘Pawn Stars,’ one of my kid’s fave-raves). As such, my brain is often full of snippets of commercial dialogue and songs, and I might have harbored a secret crush on the girl who sold Pine-Sol. (Also, Lenny Kravitz’ drummer, but that’s not important right now.) When it comes to retention of your commercial message, they say there’s nothing like a good jingle, which in turn begs a query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) makes the veeerrry best…
CHOOOOOOOOOOcolate, asking: What’s the best commercial jingle of all time?
“Hold the pickles. Hold the lettuce. Special orders won’t upset us.”
Plop, Plop, Fizz Fizz, O’ what a relief it is. It’s been 30 years since it has been used, but it still works.
“You cry for rain, You cry for thunder, You cry for the Boy Wonder.
He made a deal, to be for real, he copped the keys to the Batmobile.
He started up to the prison warden, standing there was Commissioner Gordon. He told me “Superman was on the loose”, right before the six o’clock news.
So he let out scream, he put up a fight, so we got Batmite with the Kryptonite”
Wait a minute…did you ask for best “commercial jingle” or “plagarized comic-related rap lyric”?
“Winston tastes good like a cigarette should…Winston taste good like a…ooh ahh, I wanna piece of pie, the pie to sweet, I wanna piece of meat, the meat to tough, I wanna ride a bus, the bus to full, I wanna ride a bull, the bull to fat…I want my money back”
Does this count?
Hot Pocket! Admittedly its only a good jingle now thanks to Jim Gaffigan.