Summer Memories
Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five.
The unofficial start to summer has arrived, and we reflect on our favorite summer memories.
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1 Comment
Fun episode. Great stories from the entire cast, which made it a good listen.
Personally, Summer has been one of my least favorite seasons. I don’t like the heat, I am not a strong swimmer, and I never learned to ride a bicycle, all of which limited my enjoyment this season. Having kids, I’ve learned to appreciate the extra time I can spend with them during these months, which will be reflected in my selections.
Thus, here’s my list:
5. Family Vacations (1975-1985): During my childhood and early teens, my fondest summer memories are from family vacations spent with my parents and sister. We visited a lot of places, like New York, Maine, Connecticut, and Niagara Falls, but the most memorable was the place we visited on our first trip, and loved it so much we vacationed there several more times: The White Mountains of New Hampshire. I will forever appreciate the memories I have from those trips.
4. Star Wars (1977): Though it came out in the spring of that year, we didn’t get to see it until the summer, but when I did, It had a profound effect upon my life. Just that summer, I must have gone to see it a dozen times before school started again! I had every toy and book available for Christmas that year. It’s been my favorite movie ever since.
3. My First Kiss (1986): I was an awkward 15 year-old, and though I had gotten a few kisses from girls, they were definitely all friendly pecks compared to what I consider my first real kiss. It was with a cute red-haired girl that I had the hots for, and when I kissed her, she actually kissed me back, and with real passion! That was 27 years ago this month, and guess to whom I’m married? (Hint: It’s the cute red-head.)
2. Midsummer Nights (2008-present): Any couple with kids will tell you that it gets more and more difficult to find quality alone time with your spouse. In the summer of 2008, in order to spice things up, I bought a bottle of red wine and some funky cheese, and “invented” Wine and Cheese Night, which we would spend warm summer nights on our deck, listening to music and sipping wine, a tradition we continue to this day, and move indoors during winter. Without going into details, there is always a direct wine-romance ratio.
1. Family Vacations (2006-present): Now that I’m all grown up and have a family of my own, my list comes full circle with family vacations that I take with my own merry little band. We’ve been to a lot of my same childhood favorites, including the White Mountains, which kicked off the tradition in 2006. My favorites, however, have been our two wonderful trips to Walt Disney World in the past three years.Hopefully we’ll create some new memories when we visit Quechee Gorge in Vermont this year.
Well, that’s my list. Hope it was…memorable.