This is going to be a controversial poll of the week because of spoilers and all, and I realize that many of you get upset when we reveal too much on this Major Spoilers site. So if the title didn’t ruin it for you, take the jump to participate in this week’s poll of the week.
There’s still a bit of controversy surrounding Star Trek Into Darkness and how it lines up with Wrath of Khan. There was a bit of discussion last week on the Major Spoilers Podcast about it, and on The Morning Stream. When people don’t agree, it’s time to punch the crap out of it.
Like Mohammed Ali was the greatest at his time, he would get the living S* out of him in a titel fight today.
John Harrison would win
Well, of course. Ricardo Montalbon isn’t exactly in fighting shape, being dead and all…
Anyway, kidding aside and taking them from the time of each movie, I learned early in life not to underestimate old man strength. Old and cunning, I voted Khan Noonien Singh
Based on what they did in their respective movies, I think John Harrison would win in a fight. He was a lot more actiony, and always seemed to be a few steps ahead of everyone.
However, I think Ricardo “Kahn” Montalbon was a much more sympathetic villain and his passion for revenge, and his reasons behind it, were more relatable. I didn’t get that from the John Harrison character. But I think both movies were pretty great.
Well, Kirk’s punches had a lot more effect on old Khan compared with new Khan. And new Khan, at least in the movies, had a higher body count. So, I took a page from Mr. Peterson, and I voted for old Khan, ’cause he’s the original.
One word…KHAN!
I’m going to say Khan. Yes, John Harrison is younger, stronger and tons more ruthless, but he makes some bone-headed decisions in the movie. I think Khan would be a much more intelligent adversary.
I could only vote for Kahn. KAAAHHHHHNNN!!!
He was brilliantly devious (or deviously brilliant).
And I think I spelled it wrong. Curse of trying to type before the coffee kicks in.
Dude, they’re the same guy. Since John Harrison was younger, stronger and fitter – he beat the stuffing out of Spock who is stronger than 12 humans, according to TOS info – than Khan in Wrath of Khan, he’d win hands down. And Khan isn’t as bright as he thinks he is. He got outsmarted by Kirk twice – three times if you count Into Darkness – and TOS Kirk was no genius. If you’re talking about the actors, again, the new Kahn would win, because the old Kahn has been dead since 2009, and dead people don’t fight very well.
Khan, because who’s the other guy?
My answer remains unchanged. In a straight-up physical conflict with no chance for escape, Benedict Cumberbatch would kill Khan. In any other type of fight, Khan would simply outsmart him. You’d think he ran left, but in fact, he’s off to the right, sneaking up to put a knife in your back and whisper some Shakespeare in your ear.