Ever since I was a young man, I’ve had a thing for girls who (enthnocentrically speaking, anyway) talk exotically. In my pre-teen years, I developed a thing for Lisa from ‘You Can’t Do That On Television,’ and to this day I get a frisson of excitement at girls who say “aboot.” As a married man, I’m often forced to watch television that my wife loves, meaning that I have now watched ten seasons of ‘Project Runway,’ made bearable by the standard schadenfreude of reality television, and the incredibly perky presence of Heidi Klum. The way she greets the contestants with a cheery “Hallo!” and her signature elimination phrase are themselves adorable, and are cute enough that they’d be endearing even if the speaker wasn’t one of the world’s most gorgeous supermodels. Coming from middle America, the home of the world’s flattest and most neutral accent, it’s always wonderful to hear a Rosie Perez or a Mao Ichimichi speak, and one of the only bearable things about current Doctor Who companion Clara is actress Jenna-Louise Coleman’s vocal inflections.
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) tiene eine kleine problema avec dies religione, because it’s from everywhere, asking: With regards to pop culture, whose accent is cutest and/or coolest of all?
Isabella Rossellini, she is awesome. Icing on the cake was her on 30 Rock… “Damn it, you know I love my Big Beef and Cheddar!”
Being hard of hearing (legally deaf, but not completely deaf) this is a hard one to answer.
The character of Bella on Supernatural caught my interest because I liked her accent (and the fact she was really cute didn’t hurt).
I also get a kick out of Hugh Laurie’s American accent in “House”. After seeing him in so many other works with his “normal” British voice, it never ceases to amuse me how he sounds as House.
Slightly off topic side note that vaguely relates to the topic:
I’m always amused when people assume I’m British because apparently my speech impediment sounds like a British accent. Even a few British folks have made the mistake, which sent me in to a giggle fit. Probably doesn’t help that I use some slang I’ve picked up over the years that aren’t normally used by the people I know (such as the well-known “bloody hell”).
It’s “Auf Wiedersehen”…
*cue Rodrigo comment about wrong usage of a foreign language”
That’s not precisely incorrect usage, that’s just my characteristic difficulty with the “ie” diphthong. :) Thanks for the heads-up, though… Fixed.
I could listen to Karen Gillan say ‘stone’ all day long…
You (and I) could probably listen to her read a phone book all day.
I’ve always found the Afrikaner accent (when speaking English) pretty cool. It pulls off that odd dichotomy of incredibly menacing when spoken by a male and incredibly sexy when spoken by a female.
Whatever it is that Emilie De Ravin speaks. I know its supposed to be Australian, but I’ve never heard other aussie ladies like Yvonne Strahovski pronounce ‘Thanks’, Thoinks.
Groundskeeper Willy. “You got any grease woman?! Then grease me up!” Not cute but it cracks me up which is cool.
Groundskeeper Willie: I’ll bring those kids back dead or alive!
Skinner: Not DEAD!
Groundskeeper Willie: Aw, you never let Willie be Willie!