Tonight on Parks and Recreation comedian Patton Oswalt will make an appearance as a Pawnee citizen attempting to filibuster a city vote. During filming the director told him to just ad-lib for a few minutes about whatever he wanted to. What happened next was roughly an 8-minute pitch for Star Wars VII featuring Boba Fett…and Thanos?
Now that is a movie I would watch. All of the movie studios involved in Patton’s pitch need to take notice and make this happen.
If Marvel gets the STar Wars license I can definitly see this happening. In fact although I’m against any kind of crossover into the Star Wars universe, save for maybe DR. Who, I’d definitly watch this.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who loves Star Wars but despises the idea of crossovers. I’ve spent many a gleeful hour taking a sledgehammer to Star Wars Transformer figures.
both ips are owned by disney.
Patton Oswalt is simply brilliant here.
Far be it from me to promote a rival D&D podcast, but Patton Oswalt was a guest on Nerd Poker recently and wrote a hilarious and absolutely, positively NSFW “Dwarfaoke” song about their characters. Lyrics here.