Recently Stephen and I were lamenting the fact that Kevin Smith’s next stop in Kansas City falls on the same day as the university’s graduation weekend. Now that the trailer for Jay & Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie has been released I’m thinking I’ll just fail the semester so I can make it the showing in May. NSFW trailer following the jump.
What I love about this trailer: 1) Blunt-man and Chronic are back! 2) It’s the exact humor that I expect from the SmodCo crew.
If you want to find out when the Super Groovy Tour is coming near where you live head over to
I can’t wait to finally see this. I’ve been loosely following announcements for it since it was leaked that it “might” happen and everything just keeps making me more and more interested.
I still think I like Night of the Livid Walt better, but I’d be willing to check this out. I already listen to all the SmodCo shows.