Hero Universe Comics sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Bombshell #3 by James Lynch and San Espina.
Writer: James Lynch
Artist: San Espina
It’s finally here! Following last issue’s “not-as-shocking-as-the-first-issue-but-still-hopefully-kind-of-fun” ending, the post-penultimate issue of Bombshell is ready to knock your proverbial socks off (editor’s note: if you’re not currently wearing socks, please go put some on. Our metaphor kind of falls apart if you’re sockless). Katie Spencer found herself suddenly in possession of a mysterious set of energy-based powers, making her the world’s first real superhero. She wasn’t good at it. But now, she’ll have to become better than she’s been if she expects to survive. Or, is she just a crazy person who’s been rambling nonsense to her psychiatrist? All your questions will be answered! Questions you didn’t even know you had before will also be answered! All will be revealed in the final issue of this inaugural Bombshell mini-series!
Bombshell #3 is a print on demand release and has a $4.99 cover price.