Warner Bros. has released a teaser trailer for the upcoming Beware the Batman animated series to premiere soon on the Cartoon Network. This is the same series that featured Alfred toting guns on a poster from last year.
I have some information from the inside on this production, and have been told that at first audiences are probably going to be resistant to the material presented, but quickly they will change their minds.
Not so sure I am liking the CGI Animation style that these recent DC Animated Series are going towards… started with Green Lantern… and now this show. Eh, I guess I will have to watch it and see.
I second the distaste for CGI. I hope it is inexpensive at least.
I used to think the same thing of a once legendary show. (Beast Wars) So I’m gonna give it a shot.
This has promise much like all the reboots that have been filing out since the movie adaptions began. As long as the writting and production isn’t lackluster I am usually satisfied.
Sorry if I was unclear…I’m talking about animations like the new Avengers and Spiderman. I like those so far ;)
What is up with the gold windshield?
He’s funded by Wayne Industries… They have plenty of money for the frivolous.
Well, Batman certainly has a car.
looks ok to me, its going to be how fluid the movement looks and the writing that makes or breaks it for me.
Kind of hard to judge by only 30 seconds of animation and one line of dialog. Looks interesting though.