Press Release
Paper + Plastick Records is now offering the third installment of the webcomic KILL THE WONDERHAWKS for free download. Available only in the Paper + Plastick webstore, the third episode of the webcomic sees the next stage in the Wonderhawks’ wild and raunchy adventures, complete with the hilarity and inappropriateness of its two predecessors.
Written by Dave Losso, drawn by Aaron Pittman and colored by Alejandro Rosado, Kill The Wonderhawks has been subject to favorable reviews after the first two episodes were distributed for free. Kathleen Boyle of Gainesville’s The Independent Florida Alligator called it “bombastically illustrated superhero hilarity,” adding that Kill The Wonderhawks is a “nimble affair with comedic goodness so sweet, one will feel a cheat snatching this download for free.”
Kill The Wonderhawks #3 is the latest update to Paper + Plastick’s mission to bring both art and music in unique physical packages. While KTWH is a web-only comic for now, plans exist to expand to a physical comic as well.