Matthew rubs elbows with celebrities as a guest co-host on a 70s televison institution. (Click comic for larger) Humor Major Spoilers Adventures web comic
~wyntermute~ on September 2, 2011 1:22 pm This is awesome, except in the last panel’s textbox where you’ve put “Wendy was recast” instead of “Wanda”. Oopsie! >_< Reply
Bruce on September 2, 2011 3:19 pm I swear I proofread this stuff repeatedly…WANDA WANDA WANDA! Reply
~wyntermute~ on September 2, 2011 7:29 pm It’s okay. ^_^ I have made similar (and worse) mistakes after proofreading too. I just have this inherent flaw that compels me to point things out. :( Reply
This is awesome, except in the last panel’s textbox where you’ve put “Wendy was recast” instead of “Wanda”. Oopsie! >_<
I swear I proofread this stuff repeatedly…WANDA WANDA WANDA!
It’s okay. ^_^ I have made similar (and worse) mistakes after proofreading too. I just have this inherent flaw that compels me to point things out. :(