If you want to know more about this teaser image, Marvel Comics suggests you attend the Pint o’CB Panel at this year’s Fan Expo Canada Convention in Toronto, which takes place this Saturday at 5:30 PM.
I think I’ve reached the point where these kinds of promo/teaser pieces cause me to roll my eyes and pray for the fate of the industry, rather than wonder what kind of wonderful thing the House of Ideas has come up with next.
Is the red guy on the left one of the Deviants? I recognize everyone else. Yay for Devil Dinosaur!
Yeah he’s a good-guy hero deviant called Karkas.
Love the way The Thing is drawn. Hate The Beast’s “cat face” rendering. Get rid of the cat face and go with the “tween” face from Secret Avengers.
JUst sad is all I can say.
If it’s a battle royal done by Scott McCloud I’m on board!
I’ll admit I’ll read most of Marvel’s story lines even with how screwed up the universe has become but this one… I’m really just not interested
Marvel is D-E-A-D! Just tapped outa ideas and follows Bendis down whatever moronic road he wants to go. Sad to see a once great company waylaid by one or two (Joe Quesada) different guys.
In fairness to Bendis, Fear Itself is a Matt Fraction joint.