Press Release
The next episode in the free online digital comic book prequel to Twentieth Century Fox’s epic motion picture RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, debuts today at—coming just two weeks before the picture’s release in theaters across the world on August 5. The comic, with the first episode debuting last Wednesday on July 13th and whose story is set before the events detailed in the film, presents an epic tale of two apes brutally taken from the wild and driven into a life of captivity and experimentation — a journey that will alter the fate of the world forever.
The acclaimed PLANET OF THE APES comic series writer Daryl Gregory and sensational artists Damian Couceiro (HAWKS OF OUTREMER) and Tony Parker (DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?) set the stage for… RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, the first live-action film in the history of movies to star and be told from the point of view of a sentient animal — a character with human-like qualities, who can strategize, organize and ultimately lead a revolution, and with whom audiences will experience a real emotional bond. The film was impossible to make until the technology, invented for Avatar and now advanced to a new dimension, caught up to the idea behind the movie.
Every Wednesday since the online digital comic’s debut will see a free five page RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES digital comic book story premiere on Having debuted on July 13th, today marks the second installment, with next Wednesday July 27th seeing another 5 page installment leading up to the final 10 page epic conclusion on August 3rd, two days before the film’s release!
“Fan outpouring for the initial debut of has been overwhelming,” says BOOM! Studios Founder and Chief Executive Officer Ross Richie. “It’s great to work closely with Fox to tell a prelude story in the fantastic and story-rich world of the RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. If you haven’t had a chance to read the RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES free online prequel — you don’t know what you are missing!”
In April BOOM! Studios announced they were publishing an all new ongoing PLANET OF THE APES comics series set in the original classic 1968 movie continuity. Subsequently, a flurry of fan interest caused a complete sell-out of PLANET OF THE APES #1, sending the seminal issue into second print even before hitting store shelves!
About BOOM! Studios
Award-winning “Best Publisher” BOOM! Studios ( generates a constellation of bestselling comic books and graphic novels with the industry’s top talent, including Mark Waid’s series IRREDEEMABLE, Stan Lee’s SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN (the first new series in print from the industry icon in 20 years), new HELLRAISER comics written by Clive Barker as well as 20th Century Fox’s PLANET OF THE APES, 28 DAYS LATER, and DIE HARD, Philip K. Dick’s DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, and The Henson Company’s FARSCAPE. BOOM!’s recently rebranded all-ages imprint, KABOOM! will see publication of PEANUTS, SPACE WARPED, Roger Langridge’s SNARKED!, Scholastic’s WORDGIRL, as well as continuing to publish fan-favorite Disney Afternoon series DARKWING DUCK, CHIP ‘N’ DALE RESCUE RANGERS, DUCKTALES along with Disney standards MICKEY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, UNCLE SCROOGE, and WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES.