Worst Previews has posted a brand new image of Karl Urban in full regalia for the upcoming Judge Dredd movie.
“Dredd” takes us to the wild streets of Mega City One, the lone oasis of quasi-civilization on Cursed Earth. Judge Dredd (Urban) is the most feared of elite Street Judges, with the power to enforce the law, sentence offenders and execute them on the spot if necessary.
What’s missing?
the stallone chin is missing
Nothing is missing. Looks perfect. Very excited.
Apart from the massive left shoulder pad and the eagle on his right shoulder; too dark to see anything else (chain, shield, colours, etc).
Helmet looks far too big.
Not every depiction of Dredd in 2000AD had him with a massive jaw.
I said “shoulder pad” not jaw.
“I am the LAW!”
Massive shoulderpad
Tiny head or huge helmet?
I’ve been re-reading the early Dredd stories via the “Complete Case Files” collections and I’ve got to say they’ve done a sterling job of capturing the look of early Dredd. Judge helmets were ENORMOUS back then!
he looks like Carlos Ezquerra Judge Dredd. Like it.
I have to agree. looks exactly like the Carlos Ezquerra Judge Dredd… One of the first real designs of that universe and in no way Stallone like. I like where this is going
Look good.
This is my frowny face.
Looks great.
As long as there a no double whammies. Sounds like a bloody beef burger
Do you want to up size your double whammy sir?
My knowledge of Judge Dredd lore is dwarfed by the other commenters, but in honesty, I feel that Stallone actually looked more like the Judge than Urban. Of course, Stallone’s movie was HORRIBLE, and Urban is a great actor, so my hopes are still high.
I’m going to be the dissenting voice here and say that I don’t think the old Judge Dredd movie was all that bad. I would still watch it today any time. I think this is because of my age when it came out and the fact that I’d never heard of him before seeing the movie and still to this day I’ve only read a couple Judge Dredd/2000AD titles and wasn’t thoroughly impressed by it. But you’re right, I do feel that Karl Urban is a better actor than Stallone ever was, so I’m looking forward to the movie about a million times more than I’m looking forward to the new Conan movie.