Rumors are a great way to fan the flames and get people worked up, often over nothing. However, the latest Superman movie rumor has us smiling with anticipation. Seems Zack Snyder has been mulling over who should play Jonathan “Pa” Kent in the franchise reboot/sequel/relaunch, and came up with Kevin Costner.
Now, while nothing is confirmed, it makes sense that the aging actor, with the soft smile and knowing eyes, to play the man who would give Clark perspective on the world and set him on the right path. While it would have been nice to give a nod to John Schneider, Coster still has cache, and I could easily see him pulling off a Gleen Ford moment in the film.
Rumors are rumors, so until someone steps up and claims this if fact, take it with a grain of salt.
To me doesn’t sound like a bad choice, that’s if he turns out to be Pa Kent. He’s not always done bad post-apocalyptic movies.
Hope they follow Geoff Johns and leave Pa Kent alive for at least the first movie.
Costner, I could easily see that. Change Clark to landing in a baseball field and we’ve got ourselves a good in-joke.
I definitely would like this.
Works for me. His midwestern appearance(coming from an eastcoaster) is an excellent choice.
You know, i think he could pull of an interesting Lex with a shaven head
But taking the age between Costner and the new superman, yeah lex might not be the way..Pa Kent sounds possible