While there are some rumblings that 24 may not return to television next season, Jack Bauer does look to be headed to the big screen as the franchise makes the jump from the small screen to the big screen. 20th Century Fox has Jack Bauer headed to Europe, and would pick up where the eighth season end. But, according to sources, the film will not be tied too heavily into the 24 mythos in an attempt to attract those who never watched the television show.  That might be a good way to go with the series. Even when The X-Files was in the top spot, the movie had a rough time in theaters as it was tied so close with television continuity.
With the success of the Jack Ryan, James Bond, and Jason Bourne films still strong draws, Jack Bauer might do extremely well, although it will be interesting to see a tale told in 2 hours instead of 24.
Who would win in a fight Jack Bauer from 24 or Jack Bristow from Alias. My money – Jack Bristow
Of all the JB’s i still rank Bourne and Bond higher than those guys.
I want 24: Jack Bauer vs Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Secret spy face off poll –
Jason Bourne
Jack Bauer
James Bond
Jack Bristow
My wife and I have just work our way through the first three seasons of Alias, and I’d have to say my money is on Jack Bristow.
Bond is out of the running due to Quantum of Boredum, plus certain woman make him weak.
Jack Bauer relies of CTU and his phone to much
Jason Bourne can’t remember why he’s in this fight and wants to be left alone.
Jack Bristow proves time again what a hard-ass he is, (big deal if it turned out his wife was a KGB agent) in fact his only weakness is his daughter, and he trained her to be a kick ass agent
. PS I have yet to watch the seasons 4 and 5 of ALIAS so don’t spoil it please!
ARGGHH no spoilers…wait a minute, what’s the name of this site again? DOH!
Europe?? At Federal expense I don’t doubt! And for what exactly? I mean, think about it. Bauer has actually only worked, like, a week and a half, and he gets to go to Europe? What’s Up With That?!?!?!?