You probably guessed after seeing the last two days worth of Art Appreciation Moment entries, that I’m focusing on Gene Gonzales this week. Why? I like his style, and I think he doesn’t get enough attention – especially when he is drawing the Legion of Super-Heroes. So why not take the jump and get a look at his interpretation of Braniac 5?
It’s been a bit of a crazy day so I only had time to ink this piece featuring the brains of the Legion, Brainiac 5. Behind him, never too far from his thoughts is his first real failure, Computo. I think it was his greatest failure, considering what it did to poor Triplicate Girl.
12th-level intellect and the best name he could come up with is Computo. sad
Is there an illustration of Shrinking Violet around anywhere?
That’s nothing, this is the 12-times-smarter-than-you genius who gave us the Planetary Chance Machine *nodnod*
Gotta hand it to Brainy though — whatever he does, whether it succeeds, fails or sounds really stupid, he does it epically.
At least he didn’t draw the more recent “parka” costume — blech!
I notice this post didn’t get tagged with Gonzalez’s name, so it doesn’t show up when you search for those posts….