The latest trailer for the upcoming Megan Fox horror flick has arrived, and it bites… or at least she does as the possessed cheerleader brings down the classmates that killed her.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
This Megan Fox person seems moderately attractive. It might help this movie get some ratings.
I’m not big into horror and even less so into gory horror. But at least it’s a bit different.
Whatever happened to that poster, Mela? Was she so disappointed in any Megan Fox threads that she quit coming here?
I hope not. This site has too much else going for it to disregard it.
Megan Fox? Never heard of her. You might consider posting articles on her periodically. I’ve heard internet traffic grows a bit when sites post anything about her ;-)
Man, I swear that I saw a trailer a month or so ago that seemed to have the exact same premise except that it was a bunch of sorority sisters who end up killing one of their own b/c of a prank. And then she comes back to get them! I though this would be a bit more original with Cody writing.
I’m still here – I love comics too much, and I can’t stand Newsarama’s posting format. Megan Fox has NOTHING to do with them outside of staged “OMG I’m a geek, too, target market!” stunts, and I hate it enough when she’s on the homepage of my email. Having everyone fawn over her lack of non-visual talent (and even the visual stuff is suspect, if you actually like your actresses to look bathed) here as well is just the breaking point. Your dimmer readers can get their spank material elsewhere, Steven.
But this looks horribly cliche and shows off her complete lack of actual acting ability nicely, so hopefully it will be a dismal flop.
I don’t think anyone said it was going to be a success, but like it or not, Megan Fox is now part of pop culture, and we’ll continue to run stories as we see fit. Plus it always helps if you are going to try and scold someone (which doesn’t work by the way) you might want to learn to spell their name correctly.
I don’t go to Newsarama so I don’t have any opinion of them. But I find Major Spoilers to be an incredibly diverse collection of information that crosses many formats, mediums, and genres. That is why I enjoy it so much.
It is fine if you are not a fan of any given part of things so long as any comments are respectful. It is diversity of thought that allows us all to cross-examine our own beliefs and to grow intellectually.
But I have never seen you post to anything other than to criticize any Megan Fox posting (although perhaps I missed something). Why not give us some thoughts in the appropriate section for things you do like?
Poke around – I post on a lot of the comic-related posts. I’m here for more than just the bitching. If I wanted just to do that, I’d go to Newsarama.
That’s good. I’ll take your word for it on the other posts.
I’m always glad to see anyone post their thoughts, as long as they are sincere and respectful. No one likes to be judged based on what they like, or don’t like.