Over at The Source (DC Comics blog site), site guru Alex Segura announced DC has a Red Tornado mini-series coming up that features Red Volcano.
The mini-series, which will shed new light on the true origins of the stalwart JLA member/android will also introduce a crew of new characters to the DCU. And if Red Tornado has his way, you’ll also uncover the hero’s true android family. But will this reunion cost Red Tornado the love of his adopted, human family?
Kind of looks like a cross between the Manhunters and and Firestorm.
Urgh. What the f. What, The, F. How was this demanded? Who the he’ll wants to read a comic about Vision wannabe and his badly-designed nemesis?
I’d far prefer a series based around the original Red Tornado and her tin pot helmet. She was engaging.
And this, Salieri, is where we agree to disagree. I like the Tornado, I will read it, and Ma Hunkel is perfectly fine in the JSA book with the rest of her contemporaries. :)
I for one and pumped about this mini and am looking forward to seeing the new characters
If Carmine Infantino is drawing this one too – I’m outta here. :)
I dig the Tornado and feel like he’s gotten a bum deal most of the time (how times do they have to destroy his body?) I’m not all that sure about this Red Volcano, though… looks a bit like a red Darkseid.
I do not believe that the red tornado was ever done well. Once again a lot of potential, but there was always a constant reuse of the same plotline regarding this character. The Pinocchio aspect of the Vision, Red Tornado, and Commander Data has generally fallen flat with the exception of Data and I believe that is due to Brent Spiner’s acting chops.
And sorry Salieri, but te Vision and Red Tornado came out at the same time. Technically the red tornado is 2 months older. I do agree with your WTF statement though.
The Red Tornado HAS been done well, but not in this century. Indeed, he’s been pretty much sidelined and saddled with tons of useless backstory since Crisis On Infinite Earths, or thereabouts. But go back and read some of the 70’s JLA issues where he established his relationship with Kathy and Traya, or or interacted with the other Leaguers (circa the Satellite-era JLA.)