I’m digging the way networks are dealing the with the summer season. Instead of being inundated with rerun after rerun (hey, hey, hey hey!), we get a heaping serving of new shows. Last week, Burn Notice returned to the USA Network, and those that dig on vampires should have their appetite satiated following last nights series return.
But what about other shows? Take the jump to read a quick rundown of the rumors surfacing about a possible new Time Lord appearance in Doctor Who, Eureka gets a new girl, and a possible lesbian relationship on Heroes.
I’m sure you want to get to the lesbian relationship rumor right away, but I like to tease…
Doctor Who: Timothy Dalton is rumored to make an appearance in the final David Tennant episode. Dalton may be playing Lord Chancellor of the High Council of Time Lords. Interesting. The episode is called Waters of Mars, and is scheduled for the end of November (in the U.K.).
Eureka: Even though Jack Carter has been removed as the sheriff of Eureka, he’s sticking around and gets a new love interest in the form of Jamie Ray Newman.
V: ABC has announced the remake of the alien invasion series does have a planned ending, and providing the ratings are high enough, we’ll get to see the entire saga play out over the next couple of years. The series is supposed to air in 2010.
Heroes: The Hollywood Reporter has announced that the next season of Heroes finds Claire Bennett going to college. There, she’ll room with Madeline Zima, and quite possibly the newly announced Rachel Melvin. The three share “close” quarters in the dorm room.

Got a tip, or a hot rumor? Drop us a line!
So super hot Claire is rooming with two other super hot girls. It’s so nice to see Heroes finally acknowledging that only good looking people can have super powers. Sadly i will continue to spend my time watching. Could someone set up an intervention for me?
So it’s come to this, James Bond meets Doctor Who. Two of the biggest franchieses to come out of England.
meh, i don’t care about any of this. only that burn notice is back and dexter will be soon.
oh, and weed is coming back soon.
and i guess we can expect the next doctor who special very soon too.
Yay Timothy Dalton – but – the next Doctor Who special (the Waters of Mars) isn’t David Tennant’s last episode. Apparently, his last ep will be the 2009 Christmas special.
Who said that Zima chick was hot? Dude, you need an intervention in more ways than one… :P (I’m just picking on how skinny she is. It’s kinda gross. Actually, they _both_ need to spend more time in Catering and less in Wardrobe…)
Looks like ABC wants to do a total thematic copy of Battlestove Galacticlown with V – covering the exact same issues and crap. Hopefully God is not behind the secret plot.
Madeline Zima isn’t sexy to me, not because she’s too skinny, but because she’s 12.