Greg Beeman, the producer/director of the Heroes television series on NBC has been given his walking papers. Beeman doesn’t seem too upset over the announcement.
You see, I will not be returning to HEROES for Season 4. Ultimately this was a financially motivated decision made by NBC. They no longer want to have a Producer/Director position on the show. But it coincides well with my own innate wanderlust, and so, while sad to leave so many friends and comrades, I am excited for the future.
The good news is, he will be continuing his Beeman’s blog with all of his future projects, so here’s hoping we continue to see more high quality images like the one of Hayden above.
who really cares anymore this show has fallen so far from grace
I agree with Jerardo. It became so convoluted and predictable I just had to give up on it. No big loss i suspect on Greg Beeman either.
Im gonna go ahead and say you guys havent watched it for a while, Brian Fuller is really making headway and some of the lates episodes are the best..But i gotta say the big season finale twist was messsed up… O_o
I’ve actually never seen Heroes, and from all of the internet chatter about how god-awful it’s become, I doubt I ever will.
That is a very good idea Josh although i do recommend getting season 1 on Blu Ray(ordvd) as bad as the show has been can’t take away the fact that the first season was incredible and blu ray makes it look so much prettier, you can watch season 1 without ever needing to hear see or watch any of the later crap.
Season 1 was brilliant, season 2 was pretty naff, season 3 isn’t half bad (haven’t seen the last few episodes yet though). It’s enjoyable it but does have a lot of flaws so I try not to analyse it too much (eg continuity etc).
I hope there is another series as I think they have learnt/are learning from earlier mistakes so a fourth series should be better still.
Actually, and its stupid that is should be this way…but it totally is. The online comics explain pretty much every “plot hole”.
I agree with Lifesaglitch…the past few episodes have done an admirable job trying to rectify the convoluted mess the show had become. But it may be too late to attract new viewers or woo back people who have already given up for the show.
I stopped watching 4-5 episodes into this season, but I happened not to take the show off my DVR schedule. By chance I started catching up over the past few days and have been pleasantly surprised by the last 3-5 episodes. I will go out on a limb and state that I really, really liked the “1961” episode with the origin of the Company.
Heroes is still on shaky ground, but they have reversed many of what were, IMO, the worse elements from seasons 2 and 3, i.e., villainous counterparts, Papa Petrelli, everyone’s powers on the blink, the Matt/Daphne relationship, alternate futures, and serum-based powers given to regular folks(especially Suresh and Ando). Not all of that was reveresed, but the creative direction is headed back to square one, back to the basics that made Heroes popular (though, the Cheerleader is by this point not very compelling since she is not in high school anymore and no longer a cheerleader. Go to school or get a job why dontcha? Or start wearing a cheerleader uniform again).
The finale twist was so definitive that it will either a) kill the show for good, b) revive the show because of the new status quo with Sylar, or c) they cop out and use Hiro’s time travel and/or Tom Welling punches to negate the finale.
If they go with option C, they deserve to be cancelled.
On another note the next season will actually be about them getting back into their regular lives…Sorta reinstating the whole point of the show..Thank you Fuller.
I actually had the opposite opinion as Brett. I thought the last series started strong and went off the tracks when Sylar became a shape shifter. That got tired very quickly and we already saw that as a plot device in the x-men movies.
My complaint is that both of the last two arc never established the stakes, so I never knew why to care about the impending end. Both of the last two finales seemed to happen. Is it a thing now to kill Nathan in every finale?
I agree they need to make the show about relatable people who happen to have ability — not giant conspiracies and evil plots.