If you happen to be going to one of the two comic book conventions happening this week, you’ll be able to see an Archie Comics presense at both.
Bill Galvan, artist for Archie Comics, will be at WonderCon sitting on the Secret Origin of Good Readers panel.
12:30-2:00 The Secret Origin of Good Readers
Making its fifth annual appearance at WonderCon, this year’s Secret Origin of Good Readers panel features Dr. Robyn A. Hill (National University, San Diego), Mimi Cruz (Night Flight Comics, Salt Lake City), Bill Galvan (co-creator/artist of The Scrapyard Detectives, artist for Archie Comics), plus additional speakers to be added. The panelists will discuss how teachers, librarians, retailers, and publishers can work together to bring comic books into the classroom for use as an innovative and motivating cross-curricular teaching tool and a vehicle for promoting reading and literacy.Though a multimedia presentation, personal remarks, and a question-and-answer session, the speakers will present an overview of the medium and highlight specific ways that comic books and graphic novels have been used to engage a variety of learners. The 70-page The Secret Origin of Good Readers companion resource book and other exciting materials are available for free download at www.night-flight.com/secretorigin courtesy of XMission.com.
Room 232/234
On the other side of the country, Tracy Yardley, from the Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe titles will be attending MegaCon in Orlando, Florida. Joining Tracy will be Steven Butler and Sabrina the Teenage Witch’s Lindsay Cibos.
Orange County Convention Center
Hall D
9899 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
Friday – 1-7pm
Saturday – 10am-6pm
Sunday – 10am-5pm
I flew to Orlando for MegaCon to meet Steven Butler from Seattle, but heard that he had family obligations. It’s too bad, I wanted to talk to him!
Well that sucks…