The Dark Reign continues to jeopardize the heroes of the Marvel U, and Norman Osborn continues to bring the grief in Dark Reign: Hawkeye #1. Marvel was kind enough to send along a sneak peek of the issue that arrives April 8, 2009.
DARK REIGN: HAWKEYE #1 (of 5) (FEB092500)
Written by ANDY DIGGLE
Penciled by TOM RANEY
Norman Osborn has something planned – something big! He appoints a new team of public do-gooders to replace the original Avengers, bringing the psychotic Bullseye, known to the media as Hawkeye, into the game. What else is Norman scheming? And how long will it be until the public realizes that Hawkeye is actually a crazy assassin? Find out in Dark Reign: Hawkeye #1!
Note this is a $3.99 issue.