Here’s the wrap up of the news announced during the DC panels on Saturday at the New York Comic Con. You think you saw the end of Final Crisis? You have no idea what’s coming next…
Batman News
- In addition to the three-issue limited series Battle for the Cowl, which beings in march, look for five one-shots that focus on a different character of characters in the Batman Universe.
- Look for two one-shots called Gotham Gazette the bookend the Battle for the Cowl series. Apparently Stephanie Brown will be featured in the Gotham Gazette issues.
- There are eight Batman books arriving in June
- Detective Comics
- Batman
- Red Robin
- Batman and Robin
- Outsiders
- Batgirl
- Gotham City Sirens
- Batman: Streets of Gotham
- Also, look for an Azrael limited series as well as Oracle: The Cure
- Greg Rucka and JH Williams will be on Detective Comics for at least 12 issues, but possibly 14. Where does that leave fan favorite Paul Dini? He will be writing one more than one title beginning in June. My guess is run down the list of titles above and see where he fits. We already know grant morrison is returning to Batman in June.
- Look for Owlman’s appearance next week in the Outsiders
- Don’t expect to see the Joker in books for some time.
- Detective Comics will feature Gotham Central characters
- An old Batman villain is new again? Hhmmmmm…
- Fabian Nicieza will still be involved in Batman books
Wildstorm News
- The Authority, Gen13, and Wildcats will all have stories featuring the dealings with the Armageddon/World’s End storylines.
- Ex Machina will end with issue #50.
- Killapalosa is a new six-issue mini-series by writer Adam Beechen and artist Trevor Hairsine. The story follows a group of hard rockers, who also happen to be world class assassins.
- Astro City: The Dark Age returns this year. The series is already written and drawn, and will release on time.
- The Resident Evil series will feature two new characters to the game universe.
- A new World of Warcraft series is planned for late 2009.
- A Starcraft series is also on the way leading up to the release of Starcraft 2.
- Tranquility: One Foot in the Grave will pick up right after the previous series ended.
Final Crisis News
- The crowd at today’s DC Universe panel seemed a little more enthusiastic over the grant morrison story than those that booed last night.
- Fallout from Final Crisis will begin to be seen in the rest of the DCU soon. If you’ve read the most recent Birds of Prey series, there are indications where that issue fits in the FC storyline.
- Final Crisis isn’t over, there are four, six issue monthly series beginning in May. This looks to be DC’s limited run weekly series.
- Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! (features the Human Flame)
- Final Crisis Aftermath:Â Ink (features the Tattooed Man)
- Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape (features Nemesis). Apparently a combination between The Prisoner and Saw.
- Final Crisis Aftermath:Â Dance (features the Super Young Team)
- DC is being quiet about the creators, characters, and overall stories in the series.
- 24 issues featuring something you’ve never seen before in a DC series.  Ian Sattler promises two “water cooler” moments in each issue.
If this series promises to answer what the heck when on in Final Crisis, I might just buy into it.
Random Bits
- There continues to be a lot of secrecy (a.k.a. lots of idaknows) whenever fans ask about the Superman/Batman series.
- James Robinson says he’s bringing all the good stuff he’s known for in Opal City to Metropolis.
- Blackest Night #0 is a free book being given away during Free Comic Book Day.
- Keith Giffen is on Doom Patrol next. Giffen promises the new series will disappoint fans of both the morrison and original series, as he tries to make the new series more accessible to readers.
- Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire will provide Metal Men back up stories in the Doom Patrol series.
- Booster Gold in the 1950’s
- Booster Gold and Magog
- Flash #1 arrives April 1, 2009. Once again, Bart Allen was mentioned and his importance to the story.
- Eight new members join the Teen Titans, with Jericho trying to kill them all.
- The Terror Titans will appear in future Teen Titans stories.
- Didio joked (maybe) that the Cliff Notes for Final Crisis will appear in the Absolute edition coming out next year.
Keep checking back as we continue to update Major Spoilers with news from the convention.
Um… As “Butters Koch” once said: Ow. That hurt m’ brains.
Man, 8 Batman books. DC sure is testing my loyalty to Batman.
I was ambivalent to the new Doom Patrol series, but I’m onboard now that the issues will feature Metal Men stories. I love the Metal Men!
First Superman leaves Action Comics, now Batman is leaving Detective Comics, does Didio have some hard-on that his books can’t feature the main characters that have been in them for 70 years?
After the wonderful FuC reception on day 1, I am willing to bet that DC threw some ringers in to scare the geeks into not booing, and ask the questions that they want asked. Best way to get your message out at a public foum is to have people in the audiance ready to ask the questions you want to answer. Just ask Hillary Clinton.
I have been burned by DC too many times on their series and Crisises so they wont get my money on the aftermath. That can shove it. I wont even consider the TPB on that mess. So DC if you read this get ready to not make as much many as before, because you have pissed too many people off.
MORE Final Crisis crap!? Is this a bad joke?
More Final Crisis shit? Fine. That’s more DC product not to buy. The only book I bought with FC on the cover was Legion of 3 Worlds and I don’t feel I really missed anything so why mess with success?
I agree with eric above. I was losing interest in DC before FC but decided to give it a try to see if it would renew my faith.
It didn’t. Not buying any aftermath titles.
Would be interested in what’s happening with Superman/Batman as considering dropping that as it stands.
for the record people still booed on day 2, at least 10 % of the crowd of 2 thousand
I wish to know the cover artists for the four Final Crisis Aftermath series.
Does anyone know who they are?
DC is keeping mum apparently, which makes it much harder to know if I should add the multiple series to my pull list.
I’m very excited about the bat books. Especially Detective Comics with Batwoman. But I am staying, far, far, far away from anything FC related.