When it was unintentionally leaked through Previews that two of the Black Lanterns in the upcoming Blackest Night storyline were going to be Kal-L and Martian Manhunter, one has to wonder if Ryan Ottley saw the writing on the wall when he sketched this Zombie Superman image way back in June of 2007.
While the image doesn’t match the action figure solicitation exactly, it does make you wonder. Wanna see Zombie Batman? No you don’t…
Dannnnng they look great even though you can only kinda see Martian Manhunter but dannng do they ever look great
You know, Dan DiDio has a earned a thorough beat-down, and that was before I saw zombie Kal-L.
I have almost no use for the Superman franchise, since I attribute it owing its place in American pop culture more to lawyers and deep corporate pockets than appeal (check the history of Captain Marvel for more info), but even I know which lines not to cross.
Dan, you no-talent hack, you’ve gone done and crossed ’em
F*ck yourself, Mr. DiDio. Seriously. Go on – you deserve it.
Earth-2 Kal-L? From Infinite Crisis!?! The ‘original Superman’? He died before the ’52’ division right? He shouldn’t be around at all, the ONLY Earth-2 Kal-L now just left the JSA and went home and lived to be an old man, right!?!
No Zieglarf, that was Kal-L of Earth 22 that was in JSA