Well this should make Matthew happy. This two page splash is from issue #6 of IDW’s Doctor Who: The Forgotten. WOOT! All ten Doctors together!
The art is by Kelly Yates, with the story by Tony Lee. I know there’s going to be a delayed reaction from Major Spoilers #1 Doctor Who fan, but I’m just as tickled pink over this spread. Guess what’s my new wallpaper today? Go on, guess.
“Hello. We’re The Doctor. From Gallifrey.
And we’re very, VERY unhappy.”
Oh, hellz yeah!
Oh. My. God!
I love it!
I’d like to know if there’s any reason for the two groups. I’d put Paul McGann on the right, and move Peter Davidson to the left.
Randall: matthew and I had this same discussion last night, and we haven’t been able to discover any pattern otehr than the first and the most recent are up front. It seems to be at the artists whim.
To the left we have 2, 4, 8, and 3, with 10 in the forefront. (Total = 27)
To the right, we have 5, 6, 7, and 9 with 1 in the forefront. (Total = 29)
I’d switch Pertwee and Colin Baker, leaving odds right, and evens left, m’self.
2 – 4 – 8 – 3 – 10 – 1 – 9 – 6 – 7 – 5. No numerical pattern that I can discern…
Troughton – Baker – McGann – Pertwee – Tennant – Hartnell – Eccleston – Baker – McCoy – Davidson
No alphabetical pattern that I can discern….
Patrick – Tom – Paul – Jon – David – William – Christopher – Colin – Sylvester – Peter
A pretty good run of apostles, there, but no alphabetical pattern that I can discern…
I kinda got nothin…
Looking at how they’re standing, there are “rows” to how they’re standing. Row One is the Tenth and First Doctor, which makes sense. Row Two is Fourth, Ninth and Fifth, who are all probably recognisable to people who weren’t hardcore fans, and then the others are standing in a lesser position in the back.
hmm, shame the likenesses are all totally wrong (has “kelly yates” ever seen any of these actors?), and they all look completely fey. and that it’s totally wanky to think it’s a neat idea to feature all ten doctors together.
apart from that, yeah, great.
Ah–so I’m not the only one with that view, Neil? It looks like the artist only knows how to do one body-type or something. :-/ 2, 3, and 7 all need to be a bit stockier, and 1 needs to be *much* more so. 9 and 10 are okay…what in the *world* is with 3 and 5’s *hair*, though. Gah. If you want to see good (albeit somewhat charicatured) art of all 10 docs together, check out http://comics.shipsinker.com/the-ten-doctors/ :-/
They are standing in two groups because this goes across two pages, and that’s where the pages are stapled.