Apple’s QuickTime Trailer site has it in the full glory, and you are going to want to download the HD version, just so you can watch it again, and again, and again, and again.
For those of you who think this movie is going to suck – I gotta say I was blown away by the visuals in this trailer. From the visuals alone, this looks like a great interpretation of the film. Yes, there are going to be some differences, but oh boy I’m thinking I can look past that.
Check it out for yourself! Click the image to view!
HOLY FREAKIN’ CRAP! March 6, 2009 can not come fast enough.
I have to agree with you. That Trailer was magnificent! Dr. Manhattan IS AMAZING.
I’m really looking forward to this film.
That. Looks. Amazing!
And Archie! Looks just like it should, yet also badass!
Great Visuals! Again, old news, but Ozymandis(SP?)’s armor having abs and nipples actually works for this film if it can have the same sort of analysis of comic book movies as the original did for… comic books.
Not as blown away as the vietcong guy half a second before that screenshot. :)
I have always intended to see it as soon as posisble, however I wasn’t happy with the uniforms they have. I thought the 40’s heroes had better costumes, resembling more what you would expect people to make up themselves. I have to say any doubts I have were “blown away”, you might say. I read someones comment somewhere that the glossy costumes are a comment on flashy superhero movies like Batman & Robin, just as the original graphic novel was a comment on comics at the time.
Strangely the sound track is actually a song from Batman & Robin, though I think it’s a better version than the old one.
loved it, i think they got doctor manhattan just right. the rest of the costumes are fine with me. of course they had to modify for the silver screen.
can’t wait to see it. after that movie come out everybody will want to get my TP. but they sure won’t touch my Absolute
By the way, what does this mean?
“The pale princess of a pilot crab”
by the way, i don’t think that’s the song from the batman flick. i don’t remember the title, and am too lazy to look for it, but i’m pretty sure it was another song.
and i’m gonna watch the hell of that trailer. this is the most awesome trailer of all time, for the most awesome comic book of all time. i’m gonna watch so often that i will break the internet. just wait.
“Apple’s QuickTime Trailer site has it in the full glory, and you are going to want to download the HD version, just so you can watch it again, and again, and again, and again.”
-That is exactly what i did yeasterday and im still not tired of watching it!
This is hands down one of the best trailers i have ever seen, everything from the music to the god freaking unbelievably beautiful visuals. This is going to be a great movie…as long as they don’t cut away to much, i don’t care about stuff like costume changes and to be honest i think they handled that pretty well.
@Lost Prophet
I spent about a half hour last night watching and rewatching the trailer in HD, even advancing frame by frame …. hoping that there would be something for me to criticize Snyder’s work. And you know what, I honestly couldn’t find anything.
This was a great teaser, and totally blew away the T4 one released mere hours earlier. Snyder has gotten the look down … but can he wedge the epic story into a 2 hour running time?
There’s two versions it seems.
Batman&Robin (quicker beat)
and an alternate one that seems to be the Watchmen version.
Jon: unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll get the full movie in the theaters – it’s gonna get trimmed for theater audiences, but you can bet your Jack Burton action figure that you’ll get a mega-full-story-end-all-be-all-alan-moore-will-change-his-mind-ultimate-super-duper version on DVD.
Stephen Schleicher is absolutely right about the Studio butchering the theater release. Snyder made public his displeasure with the studio head’s demands for the editing.
Keep in mind how unscrupulous the Studio will be with the DVD. They will FIRST release the Theatrical cut. Then A YEAR LATER they will release A DIRECTOR’S CUT. Then a year after that they will release A DEFINITIVE EDITION. And probably a year after that will get the DVD WITH ALL OF THE INTENDED FOOTAGE. Thus, the miraculous blessings of the Torrents.
Careful Cory – I never said the studio would butcher the theatrical release – I said it was going to be trimmed. Please don’t misquote.
Randallw, you’re right, sorry to have doubted you. the remix is way better though.
as for the butchering thing, i live in hope.
On further review:
– Zach Snyder in interviews has dissed “Incredible Hulk” the movie and other comic book movies. He appears to be rather full of himself. Studio Executives in charge of “The WATCHMEN”, hack away.
– I now truly hope the Alan Moore lays the smackdown on Snyder. What dick.
I meant to say “What a dick” not “what dick”. HA HA.
alan moore did remove himself from the credits, again
A frind told me Moore signed over his half of the movie royalties to Gibbons.
@Hermit: No problem. I’d never heard either before, though it was obviously Smashing Pumpkins. The watchmen version is now one of my favourite songs. Up there with Alpha and Omega, and Black hole sun.
so, where can i get the song?
I just listen to music on youtube
I agree the trailer looks pretty cool, but I’ve seen a lot of great trailers for a lot of bad movies.
I remember a pretty exciting trailer from a few years back, for an adaptation of a beloved print property. Visually stunning(for it’s time), with the appearance of getting everthing right, but in fact the actually movie was pretty terrible.
I give you Dune:
Much like Watchmen, Dune the novel is REALLY dense, and is in my opinion, unfilmable. The reason Dune stands as a truly great novel, and Watchmen as a great graphic novel is because they maximize the characteristics of their respective mediums. I doubt the novelization of Citizen Kane
would ever be a great novel, because the things that make Kane a great movie don’t translate to the printed word.
Reserving judgement for the actual movie…
My god. Those visuals were AMAZING.
hey, Dune is a GREAT movie.
yes i know it’s nothing like the book, but asa movie, it’s good. that’s what we have to keep in mind when we go see adapation
As someone who has read the DUNE books multiple times during the course of his life, the original DUNE movie while badass at times … is actually pretty bad.
Yeah, Doubledumbass is absolutely correct about Dune. I think some of the visuals of David Lynch’s Dune are amazing yet what he did with the “sonic weaponry”/”weirdling” something was laughable and ANNOYING.
However, the way David Lynch portrayed “The Voice” near the beginning of the movie was AWESOME. Sian Philips was PERFECT as Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam.
Virginia Madsen WAS F*ING HAWT!!!