In issue #10 of the The Major Spoilers Podcast, the crew gave their recommendations of trade paperbacks you should buy and read.
Take the jump for the full list and how your vote can build the definitive Top 30 Major Spoilers Trade Paperback recommendation.
Here is the list in no particular order:
- Watchmen
- The Dark Knight Returns
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- 52 collected trades
- DC’s Absolute New Frontier
- Invincible Omnibus Edition 1
- Absolute Sandman (vol. 1 and 2)
- Kingdom Come
- The Golden Age
- The Complete Bone
- JLA: The Obsidian Age ( vol. 1 and 2)
- The Ultimates (vol. 1)
- Earth X
- Runaways (vol. 1)
- Understanding Comics
- Age of Reptiles: Tribal Warfare
- Essential X-Men
- Legion of Super-Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga
- Essential Defenders Volume 3
- New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
- Sandman: World’s End
- X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga
- Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD
- Spider-Man: Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut
- Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits
- The Green Hornet (Now Comics Hardcover)
- Marvels
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
- Daredevil Omnibus
- Astro City: Life in the Big City
- The Escapists
Head over to the Major Spoilers Forum and vote for your favorite trade from the list. When the poll closes, we should have the titles ranked from number 1 to number 30.
Don’t forget to listen to the podcast to find out why these titles ended up on the list.